Now registering 8-week session February 19 - April 9, 2025
A mixed-genre writing class focused on forming and reforming new prose and verse (and toward getting that new work, or longer works in progress, flushed out and finished) through weekly lectures, prompts, discussions and assignments applicable to short and long fiction and nonfiction, poetry, memoir, and all kinds of hybrid forms. My own enthusiasm with “form and reform efforts” lies closely with the intention of bringing formal poetic elements more consciously into prose, but the teaching incorporates many genres and examples to apply to whatever genre classmates are provoked to write in.
This is an ongoing workshop, renewable each month, such that after each four-week “class session,” one could continue (if it’s proving inspiring/productive) in the next month’s four-week sequence of classes, which are not repetitive but rather sequential, similar in topic/scope and structure, but continuing and furthering the examination and creation. Lectures and prompts are applicable to multiple genres AND toward advancing an ongoing project or to create new ones.
This workshop focuses on form and reform:
“FORM” as noun, being both the literal structure of different models of prose (and poetry) we look to for example
“FORM” as verb, being the generative element of the workshop that includes weekly prompts and “assignments”*
“FREEFORM” as noun and verb, encouraging students to explore elements of other genres and how to incorporate them into genres they’re already writing in
“REFORM” as verb is a literary concept I facilitated in a recent “reform school” course, in that we also think about pushing narratives into different “formal” or “found” structures as part of exploration and/or revision
FORM as verb is the primary focus. The class is built to inspire us, get us started, give us weekly goals.
* Assignments are optional but each participant may share (with me) their attempts at the assignment each week. This is to keep us accountable to do the work. I offer feedback at times, when warranted and especially when requested. Mostly I’ll ask questions or give encouragement/direction on continuing the pieces in process.
**There is no formal submission of creative pieces for “group” feedback and discussion, though the final week of each season is an open share opportunity.
Classes meet weekly.
Pricing: $175 a month (four two-hour sessions), with discounts available for alumni, referral, and prepaid two-month commitment.
Class structure will be two-hour sessions once a week, on Wednesday evenings (starting at 8:30 pm Eastern time), with those two hours comprising:
A. instruction and example
B. short in-class prompts/writings
C. weekly assignments* based on lecture and prompt
D. discussion of examples and interpretations
For registration or more information, email or use the Contact Tab below.
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